The SRI KINJARAPU YERRAN NAIDU COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES is located at Santha Seeta Ram (SSR) Puram which is situated in the Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh on the East Coast of India at an elevation of 11 m above MSL and 7 km away from the Coast of the Bay of Bengal at the intersection of  N latitude andE longitude. The College is about 26 kilometers away from the Srikakulam Road Railway Station on the Visakhapatnam – Howrah rail route.

Sri Kinjarapu Yerran Naidu (SKY) College of Agricultural Sciences secured affiliation from Acharya N.G. Ranga Agricultural University, Guntur (ANGRAU) on 16th November 2016. Since then, the College has been focusing on the accomplishment of the primary mandate of generating sufficiently trained and thoroughly skilled qualified agricultural graduates to cater to the needs of society for sustaining farm productivity and contributing to farmers’ prosperity.


SKY College is actively involving in all the three major activities viz. education, Research and Extension to reach the goals and achieve the objectives.

    • Education: To train individuals required for Andhra Pradesh state agricultural development, as well as to develop resources and new technical services for farmers.
    • Research: Constantly improving and developing technology to increase agricultural production.
    • Extension: To conduct fundamental research to advance fresh areas of knowledge in agriculture.


SRI KINJARAPU YERRAM NAIDU COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE is sanctioned from the academic year 2016-17 with an intake of 60 students. Approx. 65% of seats are Convenor & 35% of the seats are filled through Management Quota.

In this hi-tech world, agriculture enterprise is a lot more than merely crop production. Farmers need innovative methodologies to increase productivity and to overcome the impact of climate change, global warming, etc. Agriculture is demographically the broadest economic sector and plays a significant role in the overall socio-economic fabric of India.

To empower the farming community via technology, and with our experience in the Education field, we introduce you to B.Sc. agriculture program through ANGRAU.


    • To impart quality education and training in science based and technology intensive  farming
    • To undertake need based and location specific research to offer technical solutions to farming community
    • To disseminate implementable technologies and create large scale awareness among rural populace of North coastal A.P
    • To generate internal resources (revenue) for developmental works
    • To assist stakeholders through value-added endeavors, bio-based products, crop diversification to sustain rural economy
    • To undertake such other tasks as the university may deem proper in order to achieve the objectives for which it has been established.


  • To teach and train students in agriculture and related areas so that they can be resourceful and make effective contributions to crop production technology while also improving the socioeconomic status of stakeholders.
  • To give the fundamental information needed to perform experiments that will develop sustainable technology for the benefit of the farming community.
  • To prepare them as competitive extension personnel who can spread various technologies for production.