Mission & Vision

As an affiliated College of Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University (ANGRAU) and in tune with the ANGRAU’s Vision 2020 Strategic Plan Document, the mandated mission statements of this College are:

EDUCATION: To train the manpower needed for agricultural development of the State of Andhra Pradesh.

RESEARCH: To constantly improve and generate technologies for increasing production in agriculture.

EXTENSION: To assist through the development departments of the Government, in the process of dissemination of the improved technologies to the farmers of Andhra Pradesh


The following goals are set for this college keeping in view the vision and mission of the University and College.


  1. Making Agriculture in north coastal region of Andhra Pradesh viable and profitable through quality education in Agricultural Sciences.
  2. Developing qualified and competent human resources for the emerging new trends in Agriculture.
  3. Making Agriculture sustainable in the changing global climatic scenario.
  4. Ensuring efficient transfer of the latest technology to the farmers.


  1. Providing agricultural education mainly to the rural people in the north coastal region of Andhra Pradesh in Agriculture.
  2. Improving the quality and relevance of undergraduate education by strengthening the UG curriculum.
  3. Creating professional development opportunities for teachers through exposure to recent advances and teaching capabilities.
  4. Training human resources in core and emerging areas by introducing new courses/programs.
  5. Creating entrepreneurial skills and encouraging interaction with business leaders and agribusiness trade and industry.
  6. Training youth and women to acquire practical skills and enable them to serve as grass root level functionaries or entrepreneurs.


  1. To create awareness and interest among the rural youth of the north coastal region of Andhra Pradesh in Agriculture and Agricultural production.
  2. To develop agricultural competencies among youth who engage in production, appreciation for career opportunities in agriculture and to provide effective leadership in carrying out occupational, social, and civic responsibilities
  3. To provide quality education by adopting a new course curriculum based on emerging trends in agriculture.
  4. To impart rural work experience through the RAWE programme and entrepreneurial skills through AEL programmes.
  5. To create interest in the young minds towards research and development in Agriculture.
  6. To equip the students to meet the changing trends in agriculture.
  7. To carry out research by students based on the local agricultural problems by identifying the gaps in technology.
  8. To encourage the students in taking up higher education at national and international institutes.
  9. To develop ICTs for fast dissemination of information on farmer-related problems.
  10. To provide exposure to the students to various Agro-climatic zones of the state through State Tours.
  11. To impart extension knowledge to the students through various extension programmes including Rural Agricultural Work Experience Programme (RAWEP).
  12. To disseminate implementable technologies and create large-scale awareness among the rural populace of North coastal A.P.
  13. To advance and sustain the quality of agriculture education to tackle emerging challenges in Agriculture, livelihood security and sustainable development